Itaku mo Kayuku mo Nai (痛くも痒くもない - Not Caring at All)

Apr 5, 2019 16:56
Itaku mo Kayuku mo Nai

When you do not feel a thing about someone's action against you, you can express it as 'itaku mo kayuku mo nai' (痛くも痒くもない).

'Itai' (痛い) means "painful," 'kayui' (痒い) means "itchy," and 'nai' (ない) is a negative term, so the literal meaning of 'itaku mo kayuku mo nai' is "it is neither painful nor itchy."

Of course, this phrase can be used for physical pain/itching, but it is often used when there is no mental influence.

[Example] Kare ni waruguchi wo iwareta ga, itaku mo kayuku mo nai (彼に悪口を言われたが、痛くも痒くもない - "He said nasty things about me, but I do not care at all").


「痛い」は "to pain"、「痒い」は "to itch"、「ない」は否定語であるため、「痛くも痒くもない」の文字どおりの意味は "" となります。


No. 1 Shakearita 's correction
Everything seems correct. No errors
Thank you so much for reading my post! :)
No. 2 Amop567's correction
  • When you do not feel a thing about someone's action against you, you can express it as 'itaku mo kayuku mo nai' (痛くも痒くもない).
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • 'Itai' (痛い) means "painful," 'kayui' (痒い) means "itchy," and 'nai' (ない) is a negative term, so the literal meaning of 'itaku mo kayuku mo nai' is "it is neither painful nor itchy."
  • 'Itai' (痛い) means "painful," 'kayui' (痒い) means "itchy," and adding 'nai' (ない) makes the adjective negative (OR: "nai" means "not〜"), so the literal meaning of 'itaku mo kayuku mo nai' is "it is neither painful nor itchy."
     "a negative term" doesn't work as a grammatical explanation (ie negative vs affirmative). It sounds as if you're saying it's not a positive thing to say.
  • Of course, this phrase can be used for physical pain/itching, but it is often used when there is no mental influence.
  • Of course, this phrase can be used for physical pain/itching, but it is (more) often used in a mental sense.
     This is clearer to me
  • [Example] Kare ni waruguchi wo iwareta ga, itaku mo kayuku mo nai (彼に悪口を言われたが、痛くも痒くもない - "He said nasty things about me, but I do not care at all").
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!